
The Vanilla band

Barthlo Visagie


Lead guitar, synth

I love col­lect­ing shoes and I am a huge watch fan. My favor­ite place on earth is the beach, espe­cially Arniston in De­cem­ber, be­cause you swim and tan all day long and in the eve­ning you open a beer and braii. Thats my idea of a perfect vaca­tion. When I was about 4 month old, my mom used to play me music on her old record player and I think that’s where my love for music started.

Tyan Odendal


Lead singer, guitar

I’m a crea­tive soul with a love for ad­ven­ture and the great out­doors. I’ve got a softer side than people realize, I value family and friend­ships and I make time for those who matter to me. I col­lect vin­tage came­ras and love to shop around for band mem­o­ra­bilia and other quirky blues­rock, but I en­joy a lot of today’s pop music. I’m just a sub­urb boy dream­ing of a bright future.

Francois Keyser



I am prob­a­bly the most re­laxed per­son you will ever meet, but be­neath the laid­back exte­rior is a serious pas­sion to suc­ceed. I love to be active and stay fit, play­ing hockey, ten­nis or cricket when­ever the op­por­tun­ity arises. My dry hu­mor often gets me into trouble even though I can’t hurt a fly. Whis­key, friends or the odd sar­cas­tic con­ver­sa­tion makes my day.

Our story

The Vanilla is a 4 piece feel­good pop band from the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. The band consists of Jaen-Pierre Dowling on bass, on drums Francois Keyser, guitar and lead vocals Tyan Odendal and on lead guitar and synth Barthlo Visagie.

Tyan and JP attended Rocking the Daisies 2014 and felt inspired beyond belief. Playing Daisies’ main stage seemed like the ultimate accom­plishment and they briefly toyed with the idea of starting a new band. It wasn’t until the end of the year that they really kicked into gear how­ever, and after an ama­zing December holiday up the East Coast, The Vanilla was born.

Just as 2015 got underway, Tyan, a self­professed bluesrock aficionado, started writing pop songs out of nowhere. Writer’s block turned into crea­tive flow, and soon a hefty pile of songs had been written. JP and Tyan always had an immense love for radio pop and figured their new project should be a natural extension of something they love.

The band may be brand new, but the members have known each other forever. Tyan, Francois and JP prac­tic­ally grew up together, attended the same schools and learnt to play their instru­ments at the same time. They picked up Barthlo along the way, and the 4 of them moulded The Vanilla’s sound into some­thing refresh­ingly new, but strik­ingly easy on the ear.

The word “vanilla” usually refers to some­thing normal, neutral or plain. The exact opposite of what the band aims to be. This beau­tiful piece of irony got the members excited, and the deci­sion to adopt the band’s name was unan­i­mous.

The Vanilla has spent a lot of time crafting their songs, working on their live perfor­mances and building a brand that is inst­antly recog­nis­able and easily relat­able. The band’s message is centred around good energy, having a great time and sharing a positive out­look on life. They aim to make you smile, but they defi­nitely make you dance!

Next gig Kirstenbosch Summer Sunset Concerts 3 April 2016 - 5:15pm - 7:00pm

We got a freaking awesome new design, made by Thibault Jan Beyer.

The Vanilla

The Sun's Tide